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  1. This site is OPEN for public therefor, members are prohibited to post any explicit/lewd/mature content on their profile/forum/blog or any other place that is accessible to the guest/public. Please contact the admin/moderator for more information. Any kind of explicit content is subject of deletion/banning.

  2. This site is free to sign up, we do NOT take any kind of payment in any shape or form!

  3. NSFW section is exclusively for 18+ audience, please contact the admin for more information.

  4. Member is prohibited to make request for badge. As the name suggests, it should be treated as reward for member's deed after fulfilling certain requirement.

  5. We are NOT hiring for moderator at the moment, please refrain yourself from sending any DM or email on that subject

  6. Please treat other member with respect, we do NOT condone any sort of harassment/bullying/racism/sexism/antisemitism conduct. The admin will take immediate action on any wrong-doing and issue penalty for any misbehaviour that might cause distress on others.

  7. I am fully aware that the password  for my nsfw content is risky from getting leaked out and I don't mind people doing it. Any publication is good publication and I still have link on every picture. It's still good way of promotion but I want everyone to keep in mind about the PSA: Protect the children. I would like to kindly ask anyone not to share any my nsfw to any underage ANYWHERE. Obviously I am not holding responsibility nor condoning for such act but if you do care about my character all I ask is  please keep her away of Child Pornography-related controversy, please and thank you.

  8. Like any other standard website with admin privilege, I am able to see the country of origin of new member. I just want to let everyone know that I am strongly against any sort of doxxing act because it is not nice and I am aware how important to stay anonymous. Hence for credibility's sake, I have no obligation to disclose anybody's private information even if it's just country or email address. Just for head's up, if you want to keep your country hidden even from me, then I would encourage you to use vpn before signing up the site.

  9. The admin is still working to add more feature to the site, what you're seeing here IS NOT the finished product. Got any idea? Feel free to tell Shio! :3

  • Shio's Steam
  • Shio's Twitter
  • Shio's DeviantArt
  • Shio's YouTube Channel
  • Shio's Instagram
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